Monday, October 31, 2011

October 30th

Here are the announcements:
  1. The Stake Presidency has asked that we start preparing ourselves spiritually for Stake Conference on November 12 and 13. We are also encouraged to invite the sisters we visit teach or others we feel prompted to invite. We have a general authority coming and we will be spiritually fed as we come prepared to receive the messages there for us.
  2. Super Saturday will be held November 5th from 9am until 2pm. If you have not signed up for any of the crafts, please still feel free to come and participate in the service projects or bring your own projects to work on. Also join us for a visit and lunch around 11:30am.
  3. Don’t forget to report to Cimarron Sisters or your supervisor how your visiting teaching went this month.
  4. Don’t forget to check the church cleaning schedule as our ward is in charge again starting next week. If you are not able to be there on the week you are assigned, please find another family to switch with.
  5. Mark your calendars for the Adult Christmas Party on December 3rd.
  6. If you do not have a “Degrees in Excellence” booklet or need help with one of your goals, please contact a member of the RS presidency.
The lesson next week will be taught by the RS Presidency and will the topic will be faith.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

October 23rd

Here are the announcements:

  1. The Stake Presidency has asked that we start preparing ourselves spiritually for Stake Conference on November 12 and 13. We are also encouraged to invite the sisters we visit teach or others we feel prompted to invite. We have a general authority coming and we will be spiritually fed as we come prepared to receive the messages there for us.
  2. Check out the Super Saturday table on Sundays and sign up for the crafts you would like to do. Super Saturday will be held November 5th but you must sign up and pay for your crafts by next Sunday. The items are also on this blog under the label Super Saturday.
  3. Get out and visit your sisters! There is a little over a week left to visit your sisters and report to Cimarron Sisters or your supervisor.
  4. Don’t forget to check the church cleaning schedule as our ward is in charge again starting in November. If you are not able to be there on the week you are assigned, please find another family to switch with.
  5. The Youth are looking for more names for their temple trip! If you have some, please contact Kyle G.
  6. Mark your calendars for the Adult Christmas Party on December 3rd.
  7. If you do not have a “Degrees in Excellence” booklet or need help with one of your goals, please contact a member of the RS presidency.
Our lesson this week was on "An Ensign to the Nations" by Elder Jeffrey R. Holland. We discussed that an ensign is a flag, banner or sign to symbolize a particular thing. General conference is for everyone - members of the church and those not yet baptized. As we prepare for conferences (general, stake, ward or even church each Sunday) we need to remember a few things. We will receive revelation if we are prepared, we need to proclaim the things we know are true, we need to tune in in tune to the messages being taught and we need to act upon the promptings we receive. Elder Holland quoted President Harold B. Lee when he was talking about all the different messages that may be shared in conference, the gospel is to "comfort the afflicted and afflict the [comfortable]." Tamara encouraged each of us to read the tribute given to the prophet at the end of Elder Holland's talk.

We were also challenged to make an ensign for our family this week. Some ideas given were a picture of the temple or as simple as a bandana on a stick.

Next week's lesson will be taught by a member of the Bishopric.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Super Saturday Crafts

Hi Sisters, here are pictures of the Super Saturday Crafts we're offering this year. The big day will be Saturday November 5 @ 9am. Please have a look over them and let us know if you want to sign up for any of them. We have sign up forms available at Church on Sundays, and for those of you who are out of town or won't make it to church we've also emailed you a copy of the sign up form. These forms and your payment are due by Sunday October 30th.
Also, for those of you who are interested we will have two separate service projects that we need help with on the day of - one for those who like to sew and one for those who aren't crafty at all. You are also more than welcome to bring your own projects from home to work one while you visit with the sisters from our ward.

And finally, if you can't make it for the crafts...please try to come for our delicious lunch of soups (@11:30). We'd love to visit with all of you!

Painted Rug ($7.00)

Wisemen canvas ($6.00)

Nativity Canvas ($6.50)

Jewellery (Ring - $1.30, Earrings - $1.30, Bobby Pin - $0.75)

Magnetic Family Chart - comes with 20 glass magnets ($22.00)

Tissue Box Cover ($12.00)

Family Memories Christmas Ball (FREE)

Monday, October 10, 2011

October 9th

1. Our next RS Meeting will be October 20th. We will be making a Halloween craft and eating spooky treats. Please let us know if you plan to attend so we have enough craft supplies for everyone. Also please feel free to bring a spooky treat to share.

2. The Stake Presidency has asked that we start preparing ourselves spiritually for Stake Conference in November. As we prepare ourselves and our families we will be blessed as a general authority will be in attendance.

3. Check out the Super Saturday table on Sundays and sign up for the crafts you would like to do. Super Saturday will be held November 5th but you must sign up and pay for your crafts by October 30th.

4. The Adult Education classes have started on Thursdays from 1-2:30pm. They are held in the Woodgate Chapel RS room and the course of study this year is the Old Testament.

5. If you do not have a “Degrees in Excellence” booklet or need help with one of your goals, please contact a member of the RS presidency.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

September 25th

Here are the announcements:

1. For sisters with primary children – the primary presidency wants you to know this website has great conference packets for you kids! Check it out!

2. The Adult Education classes have started on Thursdays from 1-2:30pm. They are held in the Woodgate Chapel RS room and the course of study this year is the Old Testament.

3. Don’t forget next week is General Conference! Enjoy listening to counsel from the leaders of the church.

4. The Stake Presidency has asked that we start preparing ourselves spiritually for Stake Conference in November. As we prepare ourselves and our families we will be blessed as a general authority will be in attendance.

5. Check out the Super Saturday table on Sundays and sign up for the crafts you would like to do. Super Saturday will be held November 5th but you must sign up and pay for your crafts by October 30th.

6. If you do not have a “Degrees in Excellence” booklet or need help with one of your goals, please contact a member of the RS presidency.

The lesson this week was on the conference talk given by President Uchtdorf - "Waiting on the Road to Damascus". We discussed that we need to do our part in becoming converted and be a disciple of Christ - we should not need a huge event before we believe. There were 4 things that can help us along our road to Damascus; belief comes one step at a time, harken and heed, serve and share. "...let us not wait too long on our road to Damascus. Instead, let us courageously move forward in faith, hope, and charity, and we will be blessed with the light we are all seeking upon the path of true discipleship."

Next week is general conference which will be broadcast at the Woodgate chapel.

Monday, September 19, 2011

September 18th

Here are the announcements:

1. There are great crabapples at the Mason’s house for the picking! They make great crabapple jelly. For more information, please contact the Mason’s.

2. The Adult Education classes have started on Thursdays from 1-2:30pm. They are held in the Woodgate Chapel RS room and the course of study this year is the Old Testament.

3. The youth will be headed to the cannery in September. Please fill out an order form and make your cheque payable to Rachel H. The order forms need to be returned to Kimberley L, Rachel H or Andy A no later than September 25th!

4. Sisters Rejoice! It is our privilege, as sisters, to come together to view the General Relief Society Meeting Broadcast on Sat., Sept. 24, 2011 at 6:00 PM at the Stake Centre. Prior to the Broadcast you are invited to mingle and have dessert beginning at 5:15 PM. The Broadcast will be in English and Spanish. Second Year Laurels are invited to attend. Prepare to be inspired!

5. If you do not have a “Degrees in Excellence” booklet or need help with one of your goals, please contact a member of the RS presidency.

The lesson this week was on Chapter 41: The Postmortal Spirit World. A quote from Dale C. Mouritsen was shared, "...the more aware we become that the spirit world is a real extension of our mortal existence, the less likely we are to fasten our hearts on the treasures of this world." Remember to 'fasten your hearts' on the eternal principles of the gospel, the real treasures of this earthly life.

Next week's lesson is on the conference talk "Waiting on the Road to Damascus" by Presidency Uchtdorf.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

September 11th

Here are the announcements for this week:

1. There are great crabapples at the Mason’s house for the picking! They make great crabapple jelly. For more information, please contact the Mason’s.

2. The Adult Education classes will be starting again on Thursday, September 15th from 1-2:30pm. They will be held in the Woodgate Chapel RS room and the course of study this year is the Old Testament. The first class will be Genesis 1-3.

3. The youth will be headed to the cannery in September. Please fill out an order form and make your cheque payable to Rachel H. The order forms need to be returned no later than September 25th!

4. Sisters Rejoice! It is our privilege, as sisters, to come together to view the General Relief Society Meeting Broadcast on Sat., Sept. 24, 2011 at 6:00 PM at the Stake Centre. Prior to the Broadcast you are invited to mingle and have dessert beginning at 5:15 PM. The Broadcast will be in English and Spanish. Second Year Laurels are invited to attend. Please RSVP to Cimarron Sisters or Brandy H by Sunday, Sept. 18th. Prepare to be inspired!

5. If you do not have a “Degrees in Excellence” booklet or need help with one of your goals, please contact a member of the RS presidency.

The lesson this week was on Chapter 40: Temple Work and Family History. We discuss the importance of working on our family history however we can - every bit we can do helps the work move forward. We also discuss the blessings on the temple and being prepared ourselves to enter there to strengthen ourselves and our families.

Next week's lesson will be Chapter 41: The Postmortal Spirit World.

Monday, August 1, 2011

July 31st

Here are the announcements:

  1. The Cardston Temple is closed until August 16th.
  2. There will be a ward corn bust on September 10th.
  3. Mark your calendars for the General RS Broadcast on September 24th. Bring a friend for a mix and mingle with desserts at 5:15pm at the Stake Centre. The broadcast will start at 6pm and will be shown in English and Spanish.
  4. If you do not have a Degrees of Excellence book and would like one or need help with one of your goals, please feel free to contact a member of the RS Presidency.
This week's lesson was taught by the Bishopric. We discussed how we all have trials and they may seem to hard to handle but the Lord will always be there for us. The Lord watched His disciples row across the water and helped them only after hours of hard work. We need to work hard and endure to the end and the Lord will always do His part.

Next week's lesson will be taught by the RS Presidency.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

July 3rd

Here are the announcements:
  1. Mothers of sons going on Helaman's Encampment need to get their letters done for their son and to a member of the YM presidency!! Please don't let your son be the only one without a letter.
  2. Join us for a ward FHE on July 11th @ 7pm. We will be cleaning the parking lot to prepare for the stampede breakfast.
  3. The Stampede Breakfast will be July 16th at 9am.
  4. Debbie W has some items to give away for free - please contact her to look at them and pick them up. Some of these items are a small child's wooden desk, a small bookshelf, a pink wing back chair and ottoman, and many more things.
  5. If you do not have a Degrees of Excellence booklet or need some help with one of your goals, please contact a member of the RS presidency.
  6. To celebrate the 75th anniversary of the welfare program, we have been asked to plan and carry out a service project. If you have any ideas or know of a need, please let a member of the RS Presidency know.
  7. Please mark your calendar for when you are assigned to help clean the church! Only 1 family was there this past week and had to clean on their own! If everyone shows up it only takes about an hour.  If you are unable to be there, please find a replacement. If you have any further questions, please contact Ben M.
This week's lesson was on a talk by Sherri Dew - "Stand Tall and Stand Together". Tamara wanted to thank everyone that submitted spiritual experiences to her and participated in the lesson today. We discussed how we are here to help each other. We need to follow promptings we receive to visit or call another sister, we need to share the gospel with those around us, we need to "build the kingdom of God and save souls".

"The most effective way to share the gospel is to live it. when we live like disciples of Christ should live, when we aren't just good but happy to be good, others will be drawn to us because we are "distinct and different in happy ways," as President Kimball prophesied ("The Role of Righteous Women," Ensign, Nov. 1979, 104) . Happy about the way we've chosen to live, happy because we're not constantly reshaping ourselves in the world's image, happy because we have "the gift and the power of the Holy Ghost" (1 Ne. 13:37), happy to stand tall so that we may stand out." Sherri Dew

Next week's lesson is on Chapter 36 - The Family Can Be Eternal.

Friday, July 1, 2011


These are some ideas for holidays within 2 hours of Okotoks.  We have tried to include a link with more information on each location but if you have more questions we have also listed who recommended it so you can contact them.

If you are looking to visit a few locations as a family this year, you might want to look into a "Alberta Museum and Historic Sites Annual Pass.

2 book recommendations:
  1. "Day Trips from Calgary" by Bill Corbett
  2. "Where the Locals Hike" by Cathy and Craig Copeland
Near Okotoks